Indiabizlist is a free Indian business directory where anyone can add their business and also you can find the business near you in your city.
When you open indiabizlist and if you allow access to use GPS than indiabizlist will automatically find your city name and displays it to the home screen.
If you want to search any business near you then you just type your query or business related keywords in what field and select your city from the list (if not already selected) and then press search.
In the search result, the business you selected in your city will appear.
You can explore any of the business in your city and also you can filter the result by applying different business filters like sort of business by Highly Rated, Most Viewed, Most Reviewed.
Also in the all business list you can see only the business which is open now if you want.
You can filter the business by Open Now and Price Range also.
If you are a business owner than this is specially designed for you. You can add your business for free in indiabizlist.
Just click on submit business at the sidebar and fill all the detail of your business and send it to review.
We will review it and if it meets our guideline than we will publish it on indiabizlist - the best free Indian business directory.
If you just want to explore our most popular city in India than you can see it at the homepage and also we have listed some category over there so, it is easy to find the business near you in your city.
Our Contact detail, Privacy Policy and other helpful links you can get at the sidebar.
At the indiabizlist, you can see your business details and leads from buyers and customers at the dashboard.
In the application the dashboard is inbuilt so, you can view analytics and other details easily.
If you have any query or need help, You can contact us anytime.